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Asked Questions

  • Requirements (IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ)
    a. Please can you provide the minimum space for our performance area: Our solo show will need 3.5 meters width by 3.5 meters depth. Our 2 piece show will need 4 meters width by 3.5 meters depth. Our 4 piece show will need 5 meters width by 3.5 meters depth. b. We require a minimum of 4 reliable wall power sockets (not a 4 way). We can make do with fewer, but 4 will ensure a smoother running show. c. We will require a clean and dry room dedicated to the band that we will be able to get changed in and prepare for our performance. It will also be helpful to have somewhere to put our empty equipment cases during the performance so they are not on display during the show. Every wedding venue typically offers a bridal suite or has multiple spare rooms/offices available. While some venues may require persuasion, it is essential that they accommodates this request for us. d. We kindly ask on all contracts that a hot substantial meal and soft drinks are provided for all of our artists for all shows. e. Please can we request FREE parking spaces for our artists as close to the venue's stage area as possible to ensure a smooth load in. f. Please make sure we have a clear path from the load in doors to the stage area. Some of our gear is large and heavy, and it is in the interest of your guest's safety to vacate the area while we perform our setup and sound check. g. If we are performing outdoors at your event, it is essential that you supply a waterproof covering, including a roof, back, and sides, to shield us from any adverse weather conditions. The roof must extend over the front of the stage to safeguard our equipment. Please make sure that our intended performance area is both level and firm. h. Please let us know if your venue has a sound limiter or any other restrictions in place. i. Please let us know if your venue requires us to use their in house PA or if they will allow us to use our own. j. Please ask your venue if they are able to isolate their smoke detectors during our performance. This will ensure that we are able to use our smoke machine to enhance our lighting effects without triggering any alarms. k. We request a two-hour setup period. We are capable of completing our setup in a shorter timeframe but we prefer to allocate more time than necessary as a contingency for dealing with potential logistical/technical problems. Factors such as the absence of a dressing room, limited access to the stage, or inadequate parking not close to the load in door can contribute to delays. Ensuring these logistical details are addressed before the day of our performance will everything runs smoothly on the day. l. We will require 1 hour 15 minutes in order to pack down after we have finished our performance. If you require our unmanned DJ service after our final set, we request a further 40 minutes after midnight or your venues music curfew. Under no circumstances what so ever should any of your guests at the venue come onto the stage area at any point throughout the night. We have very expensive equipment on stage and it is for the safety of your guests, our artists and their equipment that you are not allowed on stage with us. In the event of any guests coming onto the stage area, the show will unfortunately have to be stopped. We have a zero tolerance policy on verbal and physical abuse against our artists. All of our artists reserve the right to stop a show if they feel they are being subjected to any kind of abuse. If the abuse persists and a confrontation cannot be rectified, our artists have the right to cancel a show and no refunds will be issued. We expect our artists to adhere to the highest standard in both performance and professionalism at every show and we ask you kindly to look after them as they endeavour to give you a fantastic evening. Thank you. It is important to acknowledge that all of these requirements are part of all of our booking contracts.
  • How much is your fee?
    Every enquiry we receive is treated on an individual basis. Quotes will vary depending on many factors including: Location of your event. The number of sets you'd like us to perform. The number of performers you will want to appear on stage (2 piece, 4 piece or a solo act). Travel fees for our artists. Any other costs incurred to get to the gig (parking, Congestion/ULEZ, clean zone etc). Treating each quote individually means we can give you the best price straight away and get the booking processes moving swiftly and efficiently. Send us a booking enquiry today and get us booked for your event. You will not regret it.
  • What's included?
    Depending on the number of artists you book with us: Solo shows include 2 x 45 minute sets of Live uninterrupted 80's Hits. 2 & 4 piece acts include 2 x 1 hour sets of Live uninterrupted 80's Hits. At all of our shows: A full PA System Lighting rig Fabulous costume between our sets. Free pre mixed DJ style music during the interval and before & after our sets, up to 12 midnight or your venue's curfew.
  • Where can you perform?
    Anywhere. As long as there is the required space and there is an easy route from our van/vehicles to the stage area for setup, we can pretty much go anywhere. Things to consider to make our setup and performance easier are: Do our parking spaces have easy access and are close to the stage area for an easy swift setup? Do you want your guests to be in the same room as us when we are setting up and sound checking? Will there be enough space for the show and your dancing guests to be in the same space without guests encroaching onto the stage area? We do ask that if we’re performing outdoors, you provide a roof over our heads and walls behind and to the side of us to protect us from any unforeseen weather changes. Unexpected rain does happen, and can be catastrophic for us if we are not protected.
  • How much space will you need?
    As a minimum guide: Our 4 piece show will need 5 meters width by 3.5 meters depth. Our 2 piece show will need 4 meters width by 3.5 meters depth. Our solo show will need 3.5 meters width by 3.5 meters depth. We understand that not all venue's may have this space. Please let us know if this is the case and we will do our best to accommodate. We also kindly request that you provide us with 4 individual mains plug sockets (not a 4 way extension cable). We can run on 2 but 4 is safer. Please make sure there is enough room between our performers and your dancing guests. We don't want any accidents or injuries happening at your event so please make sure there is enough room for everyone and everything. No guests will be allowed onto the stage area at any point during the show. Shows will have to be stopped for health and safety reasons if guests enter the performance area.
  • How many power sockets will you need?
    Preferably 4 individual sockets. These need to be individual sockets on the wall and not a multi socket extension lead coming from one socket. We are able to set up with just 2 sockets but 4 is better to ensure a smooth running of the show.
  • Will we need to provide you food and drink?
    We kindly ask on all contracts that a substantial meal and soft drinks are provided for all of our artists for all shows.
  • Will you take requests?
    The short answer is no unfortunately. Whilst our artists are talented enough to do so, due to the manner of how our productions are run, we're unable to take requests. Our sets are none stop, no gap medleys that have been pre rehearsed and perfected over many years with hours of practice. As a result, slotting in a new song is technically difficult and time consuming. However we can assure you that you will enjoy the show that we have prepared for you. Imagine our show as a pre-rehearsed stadium spectacle rather than a typical wedding band performance. You can view our medleys by visiting our Set Lists page. We do also provide a free unmanned DJ service before, between and after our sets. DJ music will go on until either midnight or your venues music curfew (whichever comes first). Please note: this is an unmanned DJ service, and acts as a filler playlist which we will have pre-arranged and mixed before your event. You can also send us your own Spotify playlist 30 days in advanced of your event that we will be able to play on the evening.
  • What are your timings for the show?
    Each show is treated individually. Timings will vary due to the nature of every event being unique. The majority of our contracts and quotes assume an arrival time no earlier than 17:00. We request 2 hours to set up and sound check. It most definitely will not take this long but it may depending on many factors including: How close our vehicles can get to the stage to transfer gear? Will there be guests/audience member about whilst we set up? Will there be space for our equipment bag and cases to be stored? After setup and sound check, we'll head to our designated dressing room you'll have provided for us to eat and get ready for the show. We'll also get changed here before and in between sets. Arriving earlier than 17:00 may not be possible due to other commitments earlier in the day, or from travelling long distances from other events but we will always try and accommodate. A typical schedule for a wedding function may (or may not) look something like the following: 17:00 - Arrive and setup/soundcheck (guests have cleared the room and event staff to remove unnecessary tables and chairs to make room for the dancefloor). 19:00 - Finish Setting up and begin the unmanned DJ if required. 19:00 - We will have a break and eat our meal kindly provided by you. 19:45 - We get changed into our stage clothes in our changing room you have provided for us. 20:00 - Set 1 performance. 21:00 - Set 1 finishes and the unmanned DJ restarts. 21:45 - Set 2 starts. 10:45 - Set 2 finishes and the unmanned DJ restarts. Midnight - is the ultimate cut off point at any venue for both LIVE/DJ music. Other very important things to consider when booking with us (or any other act) and considering your timings for your event are: Does your venue have any curfews? Live/DJ music curfews may actually differ from kick out times so please check with your venue provider. What will you and your guests be doing whilst you are due to setup and sound check? Do you want us to be setting up whilst your event is taking place in a particular room or will you and your guests have somewhere else to go to avoid spoiling the surprise?
  • How loud are you?
    Due to the show being completely digital, we are able to play as loud or as quietly as you need us to. This is great news if your venue has a sound limiter. We can easily adjust our volumes without compromising the sound quality of our show (including our drum kit).
  • Can you learn our first dance?
    We can learn and play your first dance live within reason. Or if you prefer to have the original record played, we can play the original mp3 through our DJ software for no additional cost. Live first dances will be charged at an additional fee and are determined on a quote by quote basis. This covers the varying hours of programming, learning and rehearsing that we will all put into prepping your individual chosen song. Please note that due to high demand and time restrictions, we require at least 90 days notice to learn a first dance. All of our artists are professionals and are part of many other great acts. Because of this, each quote is treated individually and we will have to assess our workloads and schedules before committing to learn any track to avoid disappointment. This is standard for any band and we will be transparent with you during the booking process to see what's achievable. For a more detailed run down, please refer to the First Dance Section on our "Weddings" page.
  • Can we get on stage with you? / Can we perform a song with you?
    No. Under no circumstances what so ever should any of your guests at the venue come onto the stage area at any point throughout the night. We have very expensive equipment on stage and it is for the safety of your guests, our artists and their equipment that you are not allowed onto the stage. In the event of any guests coming onto the stage area, the show will unfortunately have to be stopped. We also recommend that you take into account how much room your guests will have left for dancing once you have designated us our space for our stage area. A very tight dancefloor with lots of dancing guests close to very expensive electrical equipment is an accident waiting to happen. Please make sure there is enough space between the stage area and your guests during our performances. We understand that not every venue has a purpose built raised stage but we'd recommend us using it if your venue has one. We do not allow at any point guest appearances/performances during our show. We have worked very hard to put our show together and we would love for you to enjoy it the way it is intended to be. We are happy for other performances to happen throughout the night from other 3rd party acts or guests but they will unfortunately have to be designated another performance area. We also have a zero tolerance policy on verbal and physical abuse against our artists. All of our artists reserve the right to stop a show if they feel they are being subjected to any kind of abuse. If the abuse persists and a confrontation cannot be rectified, our artists have the right to cancel a show and no refunds will be issued. We expect our artists to adhere to the highest standard in both performance and professionalism at every show and we ask you kindly to look after them as they endeavour to give you a fantastic evening.
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